TAPU – Title Deed
Title deed is in Turkish “TAPU” and this document confirms the ownership of a property. In the previous process for foreign buyers to get the TAPU one needed to apply for a military declaration, however this is no longer necessary. Now the application is done directly to the Land Surveying office in Alanya. It only takes about one week to get the title deed, starting from the time all the documents have been sent. This procedure is valid if there is already a foreign buyer in the same complex who has received their title deed in the last two years (after 2011). If you are the first foreign buyer in the complex, the procedure is the same as before, meaning one has to first apply for military declaration. The process to get the title deed will then take 8-10 weeks.
The title deed can be in in two different colours. Blue is used for land ownership and red is for property. Under you can see an example of a title deed and details for what every section mean.
1. Address of the bought property
2. Passport photo of the owner
3. Number of the land and size of the land
4. Price of the property in Turkish lira
5. Change in the ownership
6. Name of the new owner (you)
7. Date of the previous TAPU
8. Issue date of the new Tapu and the date and signature from the Director of the TAPU office |